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EFTPOS Terminals 101: How to Choose, Buy, and Use the Perfect Terminal for Your Business

Electronic Fund Transfer at Point of Sale (EFTPOS) terminals have revolutionized the way businesses handle transactions. These terminals allow customers to make payments using debit or credit cards securely and conveniently. If you are a business owner looking to invest in an EFTPOS terminal, this guide will help you understand how to choose, buy, and use the perfect terminal for your specific needs. Refer:

Choosing the Right EFTPOS Terminal

Factors to Consider:

  • Business Type: Consider the nature of your business and the volume of transactions you expect.
  • Connectivity: Determine if you need a terminal that connects via Wi-Fi, Ethernet, or a phone line.
  • Features: Look for features like contactless payment, EMV chip card reader, and NFC capabilities.
  • Cost: Compare upfront costs, transaction fees, and ongoing service charges.
  • Integration: Check if the terminal can integrate with your existing POS system or accounting software.
  • Security: Choose a terminal that complies with industry security standards to protect customer data.

Buying an EFTPOS Terminal

Steps to Purchase:

  1. Research: Explore different EFTPOS terminal providers and compare their offerings.
  2. Request Quotes: Reach out to providers for quotes based on your specific requirements.
  3. Negotiate Terms: Negotiate pricing, contract terms, and service level agreements with the chosen provider.
  4. Training: Ensure that you and your staff receive adequate training on how to use the terminal efficiently.
  5. Installation: Schedule the installation of the terminal at your business location.
  6. Testing: Conduct test transactions to ensure the terminal is functioning correctly before going live.

Using Your EFTPOS Terminal

Best Practices:

  • Keep the Terminal Clean: Regularly clean the terminal to ensure smooth functioning and hygiene.
  • Train Your Staff: Provide training to your employees on how to process transactions and handle customer queries.
  • Secure Transactions: Follow security protocols to safeguard customer data and prevent fraudulent activities.
  • Offer Contactless Payments: Encourage contactless payments for faster and more convenient transactions.
  • Provide Receipts: Always offer a printed or digital receipt to customers for their records.

Benefits of Using an EFTPOS Terminal

  • Increased Sales: Accepting card payments can attract more customers and boost sales.
  • Convenience: Provide customers with the ease of paying electronically, reducing the need for cash transactions.
  • Security: Transactions made through EFTPOS terminals are secure and encrypted, minimizing risks of fraud.
  • Efficiency: Streamline your checkout process and reduce waiting times for customers.
  • Reporting: Access detailed transaction reports and insights to track sales and manage finances effectively.


Investing in the right EFTPOS terminal can significantly benefit your business by improving transaction efficiency, increasing sales, and enhancing customer experience. By understanding how to choose, buy, and use the perfect terminal for your specific needs, you can take your business to the next level in the digital payment era.

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